1) The miracle of nature. I have always wanted to grow things that I could eat. Going all the way back to childhood this is something that fascinated me and in my mind seemed terribly hard to achieve. I saw my neighbors struggle over their gardens for hours, sometimes to only produce a vegetable or two. My parents felt the grocery store provided all the bounty without the work, as many people do, myself included. Yet this summer Fiance' Phil and I finally had a tiny spot of soil behind our townhouse and we dared to attempt growing our first tomatoes. A staple of all our summer meals. As I was standing on our deck one balmy evening last week, something urged me to look at our plants. Even though everyday we stand around them and check for new growth or dead leaves. I felt compelled to look once again. Suddenly, there she was. A tiny, green, beautiful tomato just hanging off the plant. Of course I went hysterically giddy and screamed for Fiance' Phil to come see. Confirmed. A tomato has been sighted. I have what some might think are rather easy life goals. One of them is to grow tomatoes. As we prepare our first meal with one, I look forward to checking that off my list. Grow our own tomatoes...check.
2) Dior, beautiful, lovely Dior. I can't say enough positive adjectives for the eyeshadow quad that has become a part of my daily routine. The colors are all so workable and can be applied softly for day or layered for night. I refuse to believe that this palette won't work for everyone. It's just that good!
3) Birthday Cake Candle. I know it's not for everyone but I will testify to the joys of a sugary, sweet, cake infused scent flowing through my powder room during bath time. It's so over the top girly and comforting. I mean...there's confetti in it. I rest my case.
4) Late summer walks with Fiance' Phil and our dog Buster. During the harsh winter months we reminisce about taking these long and relaxing evening walks. The light is beautiful and shadows follow us everywhere. The shadow that always makes me smile the most is the silhouette of my family walking side by side with nothing to do but talk about our day and discuss all of the good things we look forward to happening. It's pure bliss.
5) "Where the Wild Things Are" upcoming film. I think me and about a bazillion people are in anticipation of this one. Who doesn't love and feel connected to the classic by Maurice Sendak. I have always included this book in my baby shower gifts. The trailer for this film puts a lump in my throat so much that I don't know if my heart can take the beauty of this movie. Spike Jonez is a genius and the music of Arcade Fire flowing in the background is too perfect to believe. I am waiting with baited breath to be blown away and transported back to childhood.
Here's wishing you a lovely weekend full of little joys around every corner.

Pure Bliss...All around.
i cannot wait for that movie!! love your fireworks shot and yes, summer just plain rules!
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