Monday, April 27, 2015

Lovely Lulu

When my dear friend asked me to capture her daughter at the age of four, my heart did a cartwheel. Lulu is an absolute joy to be near. Beyond that precious face she is a magical combination of smart, sweet, funny and strong. Keep shining little star, you brighten up every place you go! xox

Friday, April 1, 2011

Just One Of The Girls...

I was so honored to be asked to photograph the "Girl Scouts Bridging" event at the Happhatchee Nature Center. Being a former Girl Scout, I thought I had some idea of what the organization stood for. Dusting off my old ideals and getting into the mind set of helping others did not even prepare me for the beauty of what it all truly meant. As I placed myself in the shadows to take photos and be an observer, I could not help but feel moved by all the practices and beliefs behind this organization. Girls were encouraged to be self sufficient and at the same time, helpful and loving to one another. So many lessons still apply to me as a grown woman. Sharing the love for friendship and nature will never go out of fashion! All of this ceremony was made even more special by the fact that this event took place at one of the most magical places I have found in Florida. The Happehatcee Nature Center is like a fairy tale stuck in time. The beautiful surroundings of the wild forest, met with the loving touch of conservatives, is a place you could envision Miss Havisham having a tea party with characters from "Alice In Wonderland". Preserved and protected by the phenomenon that is Ellen Peterson (pictured in one of the last photos) it is possible to still dance in the wild beauty that is south Florida. My own moment of bravery came when I took a photo...hands free...on the swing bridge that leads over to the yoga hut. I was so nervous but with all the support of the strong girls around me, felt inspired to give it a try. Truly a special day and some of the happiest hours I have spent with my camera, documenting my time with these impressive individuals. Thank you Girl Scouts of Southwest Florida, you helped this lady earn her courage badge. xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Finding Georgia

The first time I understood the meaning of the word "art" was as a child when I saw the painting "Red Canna" by Georgia O'Keeffe. That work is a depiction of a flower vibrantly alive with color, emotion and passion. It gave me the insight that an artist could render something as common as a plant to transcend it's form and become personal and deep with meaning. My appreciation for the work of O'Keeffe has continued since that day. It is no coincidence that flowers are among my favorite subjects to photograph. I love looking closely into their world full of texture and color. If you take the time to smell the flowers, you never know what you might find.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


"Now I can see you everywhere.
In the trees outside my window,
on the street in the frozen air.
it's a promise.
it's like a dare.
But you are with me,
when you can not be.
I can feel you here
and I can see you everywhere.
I can see you everywhere."

~Deb Talan

Friday, February 19, 2010

Weekend Bliss

"Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. "
~Mark Twain

I thought I would share my recipe on how to begin your weekend the right way, even if you only have ten minutes to yourself. Here are three simple steps that work for me almost every time and how I will be spending my Saturday morning...

1) Open a beautiful book. My choice, the photo book of the film "Marie Antoinette" by Sofia Coppola.
2) Brew a delicious cup of coffee. I am loving coconut macaroon by "Archer Farms".
3) Use a mug that someone you love gave you. Every time I hold the cup that was a gift from my mom, I can't help but think happy thoughts of her.

Here's wishing you a blissful weekend!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I "wood heart" you no matter what, no matter where.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tea Party

Here's wishing a happy 2010 to you and yours! I am so thrilled to start a new year! Just thought I would share what was one of my favorite moments of my holiday season, a tea party with my niece. Perhaps the best party I attended last year. Cheers!