Monday, September 15, 2008

Precious Thing...Products of Beauty

"I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want—an adorable pancreas?"
~ Jean Kerr

At first I hesitated having "Products of Beauty" as one of my "Precious Things" post. There are so many serious and dismal things happening in the world all around us that I hesitated at how frivolous this sounds. I am not so self absorbed to think that anything I may share in this space is far reaching or influencing (except perhaps to my four friends that read this!) but I do realize that by putting myself "out there" I am sharing myself and who I am. I don't want to give the impression I am shallow, I only chose that quote above because it made me laugh and it's so wrong!

I believe that beauty is found in the differences of every person I meet. "Perfection" is something that can now be attained by anyone with a significant bank account. How boring is that? I have discovered the most impressive beauty is found in those traits that are so unique, you can only associate them with the exact person they belong to. A crooked smile, a traffic stopping laugh, a pair of eyes that aren't the same color. This beauty is the kind the sticks with you. A gorgeousness that comes immediately to mind when you think of that individual.

If I must allow myself to be truly products are a substantial part of my existence. Anyone who has met me for a total of ten minutes will confirm this. Being that, at this point in our acquaintance, enough time has elapsed for me to reach for a lip gloss from the heaving makeup bag in my purse. So...let's put our worries aside for just a moment and focus on something that may be shallow, but can turn my good mood into bad with the swipe of an eye shadow.

Where do I start? I LOVE beauty products. The packaging, the colors, the scent! I love playing and painting with makeup. What I live for the most is when my friends allow (or I beg) for me to apply their makeup. It is a true bonding act and I never get tired of swapping tips or sharing what new product I am having a love affair with.

Products that I am loving right now are: Chanel foundation, Shu Uemura "Pleasure of Japanese Bath" (pictured below), Nars eyeshadow and Giorgio Armani lip glosses. I highly recommend them all.

Will a lipstick change your life? Will a mascara make you a better person? Can perfume solve your problems? Of course not!!!! The right pink lipstick could make your day a little sunnier though. For that, beauty products are precious indeed.


Claudette said...

Oh, I love the lipstick shot. - very cool.


the lipstick shot is killer!!